Thursday, July 23, 2009

Taking Today a Bit Easier

So, I had my job interview with Target today. It's only a part-time position from 4am to 8am, but it's much better than what I have right now. During my interview I also talked about possibly cross-training or taking on other tasks. That would be a wonderful way to get into the Pharmacy, so I went ahead and accepted the job. I had to go pee in a cup and prove that I am drug free. I am so glad they don't do blood tests for that sort of thing! I don't know if I would ever work if that was the case.

As a reward for getting through the interview process and the like, I am going to let myself rest a bit more today. I'll do some housework, but I will also give myself a chance to sleep and rest. It might have been only a two hour process, but it felt like an entire shift for me because of my anxiety. Tomorrow, I'll go back to the checklist and see what else I can accomplish off of it. It is definitely a great system.

God showed once again how He will provide my daily bread. Today, again, I shall pray for it knowing it will be provided.