Monday, July 21, 2008

Musings on Word Clouds

Are you sure that Contemporary Christian Music is "safe" to listen to? Are
you sure
it's even Christian? I'm not. After putting "God's Own Child I
Gladly Say It" into
the word cloud creator and having it come up with
telling words like "baptized" and
"Christ" in the prominent positions, I
put a popular CCM song into the same
processor. The result: the
words I, me, and you are prominent. Big difference?

I think so! One puts the focus on myself (which is a violation of the 1st
commandment) and my relationship with such a vague God that His
name is hardly
in the "big print" but more in the "fine print" of the word
cloud. The idea of
the word cloud is simple. It puts the words used
most in the biggest and most
prominent spots. My favorite hymn
puts the focus on Christ and His saving work
for me in the sacrament
of Holy Baptism. One song has the focus on Christ and

one on myself. "Safe" to listen to? Not for me! My God is Jesus
Christ, broken
for me on the cross at Calvary for the remission of
my sins. The god of myself
saves very little more than coupons.